Why your results don't matter. Unless...
95% of people who diet will either fail, or gain all their weight back. Why is that?
It’s because for too long, people have adopted a “diet” mentality that involves them restricting themselves for weeks or months at a time until they burn out and regress, thinking that they’d rather rather have a belly than never eat carbs again….until summer comes back around and we repeat the process.
And again…

But losing weight is easy! All you’d have to do is eat tofu and broccoli while running 5 miles every day!
But who wants to (or has the ability to) restrict themselves forever?!
It’s more important to find a framework for eating that can give you the energy you need for the boardroom in the morning and the bedroom at night while helping you drop that dangerous belly fat around your midsection.
But unless you can turn your “diet” into a lifestyle, you’ll be stuck in the yo-yo mentality where you never look and feel the way you truly want.

Why So Few People Get These Type of Results
If we’re being honest, very few people are able to maintain a physique that they love all year round. Even less are able to do it while still eating foods they love and not going hungry all the time.
For years, this type of physical condition and lifestyle was reserved for elite athletes, gym addicts, and people with time to work out 4 or more hours per day
You must achieve a few things to get these results:
- You must get between 10-15% body fat. Most people cutting carbs and calories will never be able to pull off this condition, especially not year-round.
- You must develop lean muscle in the right areas to accentuate your physique, not just be a smaller version of your former self
You must build a nutrition framework that does more than keep you lean. It must also keep your focus high during the day, improve your sleep at night, and work WITH your body instead of against it... like most diets.

When most people go on a diet, best case scenario, they lose muscle mass and feel like a smaller version of their former selves.
And while most of us want weight loss results, we don’t want to be "skinny fat".
On the other hand, when people start using a nutrition framework guaranteed to create more energy and focus, body fat seems to get stripped off at a ridiculous rate.

This is what I have mastered.
In 2018 I started working with a few entrepreneurs who wanted results but had NO TIME, were working 12+ hours per day, and still wanted to be able to eat dinner with their families or clients that weren’t broccoli and dry chicken breast.
So we built out a nutrition program based on PERFORMANCE for those of us building businesses and crushing it at work.
Thus, The Glycogen Priming Method was born.
It’s a 3 phase system for getting into the best shape of your life AND MAINTAINING YOUR RESULTS forever.
It combines the best elements of all my programs from over the past 11 years.
The goal is simple: Strip off fat at the perfect rate to allow for massive amounts of focus, and an effortlessly lean physique.


Want To Find Out If The MDB Program Will Work For You?
Frequently Asked Questions
How is this not just another “diet” and “workout”?
How much time does this take? I’m busy with my family, job, kids, side hustles…
What equipment do I need?
How fast will I see results?
How can training just 20 minutes and eating huge dinners really work? Shouldn’t training more and cutting carbs work better?
Is there a Money Back Guarantee on the Program?
Can I do this program if I have injuries?
Money is tight for me, why should I invest?
Nate Palmer is a NASM certified personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist. He is also a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach. Nate is the bestselling author of The Million Dollar Body Method: The Entrepreneurs Diet for Superhuman Focus and Rapid Fat Loss as well as Passport Fitness: The No-nonsense Guide to Staying in Shape no Matter What City You Wake Up In.
Nate is also the creator and founder of Bod in a Box – the HIIT Home Gym.
He specializes in working with entrepreneurs and business owners to create energy, focus, and a lean, healthy body – that shows up for your work, family, and focus time.
The Million Dollar Body Method is the result of working with so many business owners and high performers that told me they want a performance-based diet - for their work, that would allow them to work harder, stay lean, all without having to miss dinner or pack Tupperware to restaurants.
What we originally created was just supped to help with energy, but what we quickly realized is that people were losing more weight than they had ever before - and keeping it off permanently.